Mission and Vision

Road 2 Reentry is dedicated to providing reentry support to exonerees who have been wrongfully convicted and have served time in prison for crimes they did not commit.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help exonerees transition back into society by providing them with the services and resources they need to rebuild their lives.

We are committed to providing exonerees with the tools they need to succeed. Our goal is to ensure that exonerees have access to the basic necessities of life, including safe and affordable housing, appropriate clothing for job interviews and everyday life, and the financial resources they need to cover their living expenses.

We also recognize that exonerees face unique challenges as they reintegrate into society, including the stigma of having been wrongfully convicted and incarcerated, as well as the difficulties of finding employment with a criminal record. As such, we strive to provide a supportive community for exonerees and to advocate for their rights and needs.

Our Vision

Our ultimate vision is to create a world where the justice system is fair and just, where wrongful convictions are rare, and where those who have been wrongfully convicted are able to rebuild their lives with the support and resources they need to thrive.